Flexible Ticketing
Place multiple purchasing options in front of your customers. Whether online using a credit card or by check or cash at your box office or home, you will have every payment method available to make the sale.

Customer Management
Don’t leave your customer database at risk of loss. The LIVE Concert Tix integrated database is safe and secure and always available wherever you are. Plus, the customer information stays up to date automatically through the purchase process.

Email Marketing
With built-in communication tools, you can create customized emails and send them to your customers all within the LIVE Concert Tix control panel. Whether it's renewal reminders or concert announcements, you will always be in touch.

Easy Migration
We understand adopting a new system can be difficult. LIVE Concert Tix is flexible enough to fit right into your current business practices, making it easy to migrate to a state of the art ticketing system without the hassle.
We're putting the spotlight on you ... from the point of sale to showtime.